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Sarah's style is eclectic & sensitive – she works with a range of tools, mediums, styles & subject matter. She especially enjoys portraiture, flowers & the happy accidents that happen every once in awhile. 


While Sarah has never formally studied painting, she has had great fun creating art within academia.

Sarah obtained her Bachelors of Journalism from Rhodes University (RSA) with merit in 2017, and triple majored in English and Philosophy. She was awarded Dean's List and Academic Colors, and used her visual journalism portfolio to apply to an honours program at Prague College (Czech Republic). She was accepted into the third year of the Bachelor of Fine Arts program and in 2018, Sarah was awarded a First Class Honours from Prague College (accredited by Teesside University in the UK). She also earned a Teaching English as a Foreign Language certificate from the Language House in Prague.

After a year of travelling South America & Asia, then exhibiting in her hometown, Sarah pursued her Masters in English Studies at Stellenbosch University. In 2020, she started working on her thesis, 'A Kaleidoscopic Portrait of Human Migration in the Cape'. The portrait married both written & visual storytelling to create a broad & intimate story of human movement – particularly during a pandemic. The thesis was awarded Cum Laude in 2021 & Sarah graduated in absentia, having ironically become an immigrant during the Masters' process. In March of 2021, & a week after submitting her thesis, Sarah married her long-term, long-distance partner in a bookstore in Chicago (US) & later moved to Austin for her husband's medical residency. 

Sarah is currently working as a teaching artist with the non-profit organization, Creative Action. She teaches visual art at various community sites around Austin, including an afterschool program at an elementary school & a local recreation center for senior citizens & adults with intellectual challenges. She has also been accepted to teach English Literature & Composition with Austin Community College, & teaches her first course this August.

  artist w protea

Contact the artist if you are interested in purchasing an artwork on the site, or to inquire about commissions.


Email: articlesbysarahrose@gmail.com

Facebook: Art.SarahRose

Instagram: Art.SarahRose




Stay kind.